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{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf102 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset77 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10780\viewh11740\viewkind0 \pard\sl280\ql\qnatural

\f0\fs20 \cf0 CONTACT:\ \ Bill Gardner\ President\ Wave Arts, Inc.\ 99 Massachusetts Ave.\ Arlington, MA 02474\ USA\ Email:\ WWW:\ Phone: 1-781-646-3794\ Fax: 1-781-646-7190\ \ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE\ \ WAVE ARTS FIRST TO SHIP PLUG-INS FOR MOTU DP4 ON MAC OS X\ \ ARLINGTON, MA \'d0 April 30, 2003 \'d0 Wave Arts is now shipping Mac OS X compatible versions of its critically acclaimed line of pro audio plug-ins. These are the first third-party plug-ins available for MOTU\'d5s Digital Performer 4 software.\ \ Wave Arts\'d5 OS X plug-ins include: the powerful yet CPU-efficient MasterVerb reverb;\ the all-in-one TrackPlug channel strip plug-in with a compressor, gate and a 64-bit 10-band EQ; and the WaveSurround Pro spatial enhancer/wide reverb plug-in.\ \ \'d2We\'d5re very proud to join the OS X community,\'d3 notes Bill Gardner, Wave Arts\'d5\ President. \'d2OS X is an exciting platform for audio developers.\'d3\ \ Wave Arts is offering free upgrades to the Mac OS X version for existing Macintosh customers.\ \ Free 30-day demo downloads of MasterVerb, TrackPlug and WaveSurround Pro for Mac\ OS X MAS and Mac OS 9 are available from Wave Arts\'d5 website: .\ \ # # # \fs18 \

\fs20 \ About Wave Arts\ Wave Arts is a software developer that makes professional audio plug-ins, and licenses technology to OEM companies. The company was founded in 1998 by Dr. Bill Gardner, a graduate of the MIT Media Lab, and is located in Arlington, Massachusetts. Wave Arts has considerable expertise in digital signal processing (DSP), audio, acoustics, and custom software development. Visit for more information.}