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BPM — Advanced urban rhythm instrument

MusicTech Excellence

"BPM is a remarkable instrument, providing almost everything you could ever want in a beat-production machine."
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Future Music Platinum Award

"It sounds, looks and feels great and is one of the best urban music production tools currently available."
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Build a song

When it's time to look at the big picture, Song mode gives you the macro control you need to put it all together.

Build your track from start to finish with Song mode's graphical timeline.

Drag and drop to build a complete song

A song can be built in seconds. Drag and drop scenes from the pads to the Song Editor, where they automatically appear at the correct length for the patterns they contain. If you want a scene to be shorter or longer, grab the edge and stretch it repeat for as long as needed.

When using BPM as a plug-in, the Song matches its position and tempo to your host.

Export Song As Audio command

Export the song as a WAVE file

Exporting the finished product is one click away.
