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Patches not being saved when I close my Performer/Digital Peformer sequence

There are two columns for program changes in Performer and Digital Performer: the Patch column and the default patch column. The Patch column sends over the program change to the instrument once and does not save the program with the sequence. If you choose a program in the Patch column, close the Performer or Digital Performer sequence, open it again later, the program change may be lost lost.

The Default patch column sends the program change when it is selected and every time you press play in the sequence. As well it saves the program in the sequence file. Choose the program change in the Default Patch column if you wish the program change to be saved with the sequence.

In most cases with multitimberal synths and modules you will want to use the Default patch column. The patch column is useful for situations where program change messages are used for a purpose other than a program change. Some effects units, for example use program changes to change an effect parameter.

Neither the Patch Column or the Default Patch column write the program to the track. If you want to export a Performer or Digital Performer file as a Standard MIDI file (SMF) you would need to insert the program change directly into the track. You can do this with the "I" tool of the MIDI Graphic editor or the event list. On the tool bar of either window hit the "I" (Insert) button and choose Patch change.