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FreeStyle Other Features

Manual control of MIDI channels

MIDI channel assignment screen shot

FreeStyle is still the only sequencer that makes your gear seem to have more MIDI channels than it really has - with sophisticated dynamic channel allocation features. You just choose the sound you want for a player and let FreeStyle worry about the rest. Version 2 builds on this concept by allowing you to lock players to a specific MIDI channel, which is great for working with samplers and other MIDI devices that require specific MIDI channel assignments.

Choose Notes

choose notes screen shot

The Choose Notes command lets you select and deselect notes based on their pitch, location, duration and velocity. For example, you could target all notes between C3 and C4 (the octave above middle C) that are located within the first four bars with durations between a sixteenth and an 8th note and velocities between 80 and 110. You could select them by clicking the Add button in the Choose Notes dialog or deselect them by clicking Remove. Once you've selected (or deselected) the notes you want, you can then apply FreeStyle's full range of editing features.

Tweak Notes (velocity/duration scaling)

tweek notes screen shot

Once you've selected notes, you can make them sound just right with FreeStyle's new Tweak Notes feature. Note velocity and duration scaling can be applied interactively in real time - as the music plays. The "Apply change gradually" option lets you effortlessly create crescendos and "poco a poco legato" effects with a slider.

SMPTE synchronization

sync settings screen shot

That's right. FreeStyle 2.0 now supports SMPTE synchronization. Slave FreeStyle to your tape deck and record vocals and other audio tracks in perfect sync. Or lock FreeStyle to film or video. All frame rates are supported. FreeStyle 2.0 also transmits MIDI Time Code (MTC), which allows you to synchronize it with popular hard disk recorders like Roland's VS-880
